Contact Versalift Forestry
Please call us during regular business hours- 8AM and 5 PM EDT
Versalift Forestry, A Time Manufacturing Company
2510 Taylor Road Shelby, NC 28152
Phone: 704-487-7245
Versalift Forestry is a full service provider of Versalift forestry bucket trucks, and other fine forestry equipment, including chip trucks, grapple booms and truck bodies.
In addition to providing our customers with industry-leading equipment, we offer parts, service, maintenance, equipment financing and several warranty options.
Please scroll down to contact parts, sales, service and administrative departments.
Thank you!
Sales Department
John Henley, Sales Manager
Office (704) 487-7245
Cell (330) 275-292
Jim Neal, Sales
Office (704) 487-7245
Cell (704) 418-9731
Parts Department
Hotline 866-LIFT-U-UP
Tyler Trice, Production Manager
Office (704) 487-7245
Cell (704) 472-7870
Service Department
Hotline 866-LIFT-U-UP
Tyler Trice, Production Manager
Office (704) 487-7245
Cell (704) 472-7870
Administrative & Accounting
Butch Trice, General Manager
Office (704) 487-7245
Morgan Kunz, Office Administrator
Office (704) 487-7245